Early on in my career as a trauma therapist I began offering guided meditations to clients - in individual and group sessions. I would have clients over the years ask me to take the offerings and record them so they could listen when they were at home. I would guide them to offerings they could find elsewhere, but over and over again they would say they trusted me and my practices and just wished they could carry them home.
Year after year I would say, "One day I'll record them to share." The truth was, fifteen years ago, the technology to navigate creating well-crafted guided meditations for public use wasn't nearly as easy as it is now. I am so glad to be able to begin to share some of the meditations I have offered most commonly over the years and begin to build a collection of guided practices that folks can "take home with them" - whether after participating in individual sessions, workshops or retreats with me, or just because one of these practices by themselves spoke to a need they might have.
I hope these practices can serve you in the ways that they have served others over the years, and in many ways as they have served me. Every practice has a piece of my own learning, growth and healing process built into the fabric. They are a mixture of the tools and wisdom that guided my own internal journey over the years, as well as others.
The initial meditation "THREE PART BREATH" is a FREE OFFERING for listening and download. The rest of the meditations will be FREE to listen to on my site and PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN to download and own for your device.